Secrets of Online Program Success
for AHPRA-Registered Health Professionals
Discover a powerful strategy for creating and selling premium online courses and signature group coaching programs to ethically and effectively diversify your private practice.
Want to learn the secrets to generating passive income from digital courses or creating more freedom and flexibility in your practice using a signature online program?
(hint: it’s not using ChatGPT, booking brand photoshoots, or signing-up to expensive software)
This is a must-see training for practitioners ready to transform the way they work and make the most of their skillset and expertise online!
about your host
Natalie Kladnitski, PhD is an expert in designing, delivering, and disseminating evidence-based coaching and therapeutic online interventions.
As a clinical psychologist, published researcher in the area of digital mental health programs, e-health consultant, and online business coach…
My passion lies in helping dedicated health professionals unlock their creativity and distil the years of training and experience under their belt into practical, accessible, and scalable online products,
Which make vital health interventions more accessible, while supporting passionate practitioners with earning a living without burnout.
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